The new export deployment entry will appear in Content Administration tab. 新的导出部署条目将会出现在ContentAdministration选项卡中。
After the instance-owning file system has been set up, you can export this file system through an NFS service at startup time by adding the following entry in the/ etc/ exports file 设置好instance-owning文件系统后,通过在/etc/exports文件中添加以下条目,可以在启动时通过一个NFS服务导出这个文件系统
The explanation of the export purpose, port of entry and importing country ( region); 出口用途、报关口岸、进口国(地区)的情况说明;
For the export commodities subject to verification administration, the consigners shall apply for verification to the entry exit inspection and quarantine organs. 出口实行验证管理的商品,发货人应当向出入境检验检疫机构申请验证。
An enterprise producing dangerous export goods shall apply for a testing on the use of the packaging containers of dangerous goods to the entry exit inspection and quarantine organ. 出口危险货物的生产企业,应当向出入境检验检疫机构申请危险货物包装容器的使用鉴定。
I tell you, the total import of beef and mutton roughly would equal your purchase of cotton, though the import and export trade will be carried out separately. a port where customs officials are stationed to oversee the entry and exit of people and merchandise. 我跟您说,尽管进口和出口是分别成交,但是我们进口的牛羊肉和你们进口的棉花是等额的。有海关官员驻扎检查进出口人员和货物的港口。
Export all directory entries in LDIF add entry format. 导出所有ldif添加条目格式的目录条目。
A production enterprise of export food that is subject to sanitary registration administration shall apply for sanitary registration to the entry exit inspection and quarantine organ as required. 实施卫生注册登记管理的出口食品生产企业,应当按照规定向出入境检验检疫机构申请卫生注册登记。
Based on tariffs, market trend, technology input, import and export quota, etc., this paper reviews the effects of entry into WTO on China's cosmetic industry, with its advantages and disadvantages. 本文结合关税、市场发展趋势、技术含量、进出口额等多方面的因素和状况,对中国加入WTO后,使其化妆品工业面临的利和弊作了分析。
If the mark of origin of export goods is inconsistent with the origin as determined in accordance with these regulations, customs or the entry and exit inspection and quarantine authority shall order rectification of the matter. 出口货物的原产地标记与依照本条例所确定的原产地不一致的,由海关、出入境检验检疫机构责令改正。
On the Policies and Legislation of Labor Export After Chinese Entry of WTO 加入WTO后我国在劳务输出方面的对策及其法律完善
A guide to toy export: Toy technical regulations, standards and market entry requirements in Japan 玩具出口指南专栏:日本对玩具的技术法规标准及市场准入制度
Although China has entered into WTO, the export of textile will not increase by a big margin as the people have been expected, because Chinese export of textile will still be confronted with many restrictive factors after the entry into WTO. 我国虽已入世,但纺织品出口并非如大家认为的那样会大幅增长,因为入世后纺织品出口仍面临诸多制约因素。
Analysis of restrictive factors on Chinese export of textile after the entry into WTO 入世后我国纺织品出口的制约因素分析
NEW FOREIGN TRADE SYSTEM The obstacle and solution to the development of export for agricultural products after entry to WTO 外贸新体制的运行:功能、障碍与对策入世后农产品出口贸易发展的障碍与对策
Though China is the largest production and export country of textiles and garment, the entry method to international market is relatively simplistic, with direct export and OEM as the main ways. 中国作为全球最大的纺织品和服装生产国和出口国,进入国际市场的方式相对单一,主要以直接出口和OEM方式。
Restrictions on China's Export Products after WTO Entry 若干国家对中国入世后部分出口产品的限制
Prospect of Export of Agricultural Produce of Jiangxi Province after China's Entry into WTO 加入WTO后江西农产品出口贸易前景展望
This article makes a deep going analysis of the possible ways to improve coal export from three aspects such as China's entry into WTO and its impact on coal export of China, coal export system reform and upgrading of coal enterprise. 分别从加入WTO对我国煤炭出口的影响、煤炭出口体制改革和加强煤炭企业自身建设三个方面对促进煤炭的出口做了较为深入的研究。
The aquatic product trade of China maintains the status of net exports in the condition of the rapid growth of both import and export since China's entry into WTO. 加入WTO以来,中国水产品贸易在进出口双向快速增长的局面下,保持了净出口态势。
With China s accession to the WTO Organization, a substantial increase in import and export trade in goods, international exchanges have become increasingly frequent, international voyages rapid growth in the number of entry and exit. 随着我国加入WTO组织以后,进出口货物贸易量大幅度增加,国际间交往也日益频繁,国际航行船舶入出境的数量迅猛增长。
By solving the export problem of private colleges and universities, can we promote the entry of private investment in education, dispel the concerns of private capital, smooth the flowing way of private capital in the field of education. 解决民办高校的出口问题,才能促进民办教育投资的进入,打消民间资本的顾虑,畅通民间资本在教育领域流动的路径。
Firstly, productivity of export enterprises obtained distinct enhancement, but the continuous export enterprises in the export enterprises promotion is the biggest, entry is not remarkable. 第一,出口企业在样本区间得到了明显的提高,但是出口企业中的持续出口企业生产率提升最大,新进入企业的作用不明显。